Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Magic/Priori Incantatem

Priori Incantatem
Phép thuật
Nội dungwands display last spells cast
Xuất hiện lần đầuHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Tổng quan


Rather than a spell, Priori Incantatem is an effect that occurs when two wands that have magical cores deriving from the same source are used against each other. One or the other of the wands is forced to regurgitate the last spells that it was used to cast. The effect is very similar to the spell Prior Incantato.

Extended Description

Mới bắt đầu đọc Harry Potter? Dừng ở đây được rồi! Xem tiếp nội dung phía dưới có thể sẽ làm bạn mất hứng thú khi bắt đầu đọc truyện.

This effect is seen near the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire during the graveyard battle between Voldemort and Harry Potter. Both Harry's and Voldemort's wands are powered by tail feathers given by Fawkes. When they simultaneously cast spells at each other, this effect appears. A fiery stream joins the two wands, forming a golden light that envelops Harry and Voldemort; there are fire beads on the stream between the two wands, which Harry thrusts backwards into Voldemort's wand, forcing it to disgorge its past few spells. The spirit "echoes" of Cedric Diggory, the muggle Frank Bryce, Bertha Jorkins, and Harry's mother and father, who were the last people murdered using Voldemort's wand, appear as ghostly simulacra of their living selves.

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Greater Picture

Đọc hết rồi nhưng chưa hiểu kỹ? Dừng ở đây được rồi! Nếu không đọc nhiều hơn, xem tiếp phần bên dưới có thể khiến bạn cảm thấy mất thú vị.

We learn much later that this also has the effect of transferring some of the powers of one wand into the other. In this case, Harry, being the stronger wizard for reasons that are discussed elsewhere, manages to force Voldemort's wand to disgorge its most recent spells, and in the process gains some of the power of Voldemort's wand.