Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Gideon Prewett

Gideon Prewett
Nhân vật
Giới tínhMale
Màu tócUnknown
Màu mắtUnknown
Gia đìnhMolly Weasley
Gắn bóOrder of the Phoenix

Tổng quan


Gideon Prewett was a member of the original Order of the Phoenix, and one of Molly Weasley's brothers.

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In their first meeting, Hagrid mentions to Harry that Voldemort killed some of the best wizards of the age such as the Prewetts, along with the Bones and the McKinnons.

At the celebratory party at Grimmauld Place for Ron and Hermione's appointment as Prefects, Alastor Moody shows Harry a photograph of the original Order of the Phoenix. Gideon Prewett is in that photo, with his brother Fabian, and Moody says it took five Death Eaters to kill them.

Gideon and Fabian were Molly Weasley's brothers. It is in part because she has lost immediate family members to Death Eaters already that her greatest fear, as shown by the Boggart in that same chapter, is of her own family members dying. We suspect that her apparent fear that Harry will die is an indication that she feels Harry to be part of her family.

Điểm mạnh


Gideon was apparently a skilled wizard, evidenced by the fact that he and his brother fought through multiple Death Eaters before being killed.

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