Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Alphard Black

Alphard Black
Nhân vật
Giới tínhMale
Màu tócUnknown
Màu mắtUnknown
Gia đìnhBlack Family
Gắn bóUnknown

Tổng quan


Alphard Black was a pure-blood wizard and a member of the Black Family. He is the uncle of Sirius and Regulus. Much like many members of the family who didn't fit the family ideology, Alphard's name was burned off the tapestry.

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While looking at the Black Family tapestry, Sirius notes to Harry that Alphard's name has been blasted off. He suspects that Alphard was removed because he provided Sirius with some gold after the latter ran away from his parent's home in order to get his own place.

Điểm mạnh


Though we never meet him in person, Alphard must have been a very brave individual to go against his family to assist his runaway nephew.

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Relationships with Other Characters


Sirius seemed to have a good relationship with his uncle, as Alphard helped him get away from his parent's house. He seemed to be one of the few members of the Black Family that Sirius doesn't hold in contempt.

He didn't seem to get along with the rest of his family. At the very least he probably wasn't close with them.

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  1. Did Alphard have a good relationship with Sirius? Why else would he have been willing to help out his runaway nephew if they didn't have a good relationship?

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