Thảo luận:Nhập môn Giải tích/Tích phân/Tích phân bất định/Tích phân hàm lượng giác ngược


Arccosine sửa


Arctangent sửa


Arccosecant sửa


Arcsecant sửa


Arccotangent sửa


Arcsine sửa


Arccosine sửa


Arctangent sửa


Arccosecant sửa


Arcsecant sửa


Arccotangent sửa


The following is a list of integrals (antiderivative formulas) for integrands that contain inverse trigonometric functions (also known as "arc functions"). For a complete list of integral formulas, see lists of integrals.

C is used for the arbitrary constant of integration that can only be determined if something about the value of the integral at some point is known. Thus each function has an infinite number of antiderivatives.

Note: There are three common notations for inverse trigonometric functions. The arcsine function, for instance, could be written as sin−1, asin, or, as is used on this page, arcsin.

Arcsine sửa


Arccosine sửa


Arctangent sửa


Arccosecant sửa


Arcsecant sửa


Arccotangent sửa

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