Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Sơ cứu/Phân loại nạn nhân”

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Dòng 112:
* UA: ''urgence absolue'' (absolute emergency)
* UR: ''urgence relative'' (relative emergency)
* UMP: ''urgence médico-psychologique'' (medical and psychological emergency) or ''impliqué'' (involved, i.e. lightlightly wounded or just psychologically shocked).
This triage is performed by a [[physician]] called ''médecin trieur''. This triage is usually performed at the [[field hospital]] (PMA–''poste médical avancé'', i.e. advanced hospital). The absolute emergencies are usually treated onsite (the PMA has aan surgicaloperating room) or evacuated to a hospital. The relative emergencies are just placed under watch, waiting for an evacuation. The involved are addressed to another structure called the CUMP–''Cellule d'urgence médico-psychologique'' (medical and psychological emergency unit); this is a resting zone, with food and possibly temporary lodging, and a [[psychologist]] to take care of the [[brief reactive psychosis]] and avoid the [[post-traumatic stress disorder]].
In the emergency room of a hospital, the triage is performed by a physician called MAO–''médecin d'accueil et d'orientation'' (reception and orientation physician), and a nurse called IOA–'' infirmière d'organisation et d'accueil'' (organisation and reception nurse).