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Dòng 51:
It will be some months yet before Harry learns that Sirius is widely believed to have betrayed his parents to Voldemort, and some months after that before he learns what actually happened. Until he hears the generally-accepted story, he, and we, are unable to determine why the authority figures are reluctant to allow him to visit Hogsmeade. We know Sirius apparently wants to murder Harry, though Harry sees this threat as little more than what he previously faced three times from Voldemort. With the Dementors prowling Hogsmeade and protecting the school, the authorities likely feel Harry was safe from Sirius, but are uncertain whether Harry knows the commonly-believed story that Sirius betrayed Harry's parents. Likely they assume that if Harry did know, he would attempt to find Sirius, thus removing him from the Dementors' protection.
It may be significant that the authorities, with the possible exception of Dumbledore, have failed to consider that if Sirius did passslip by the Azkaban Dementors unnoticed, he could do so again to reach Harry inside Hogwarts. Also, no one, excepting Lupin, has noticed the Dementors' strange attraction to Harry, perhaps making them more dangerous to him than Sirius.