Khác biệt giữa bản sửa đổi của “Harry Potter dành cho Muggle/Truyện/Phòng Chứa Bí Mật/Chương 9”

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Dòng 21:
Filch's character also spotlights the multi-layered class divisions that exists within wizard society; human wizards top the hierarchy, while Squibs and non-human magical creatures occupy the descending levels. Readers have also seen that some wizards, like the Malfoys, believe an even finer distinction exists within the wizard strata, with pure-blooded wizards superior to Half-bloods and Muggle-borns. And among purebreds, they believe that those with wealth and power reside at the apex. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and other characters continually encounter these social and racial prejudices.
Another recurring theme throughout the series that Filch's character focuses on: how innocent and vulnerable people (and non-humans) are easily accused of and punished for crimes they never committed. Here, Filch, already biased against Harry (and most students), claims Harry petrified his cat, Mrs. Norris, even though there is no evidence other than Harry's early arrival on the scene. Fortunately for Harry, the Hogwarts faculty dismiss Filch's unfounded accusations. However, later in the series, Harry will again find himself implicated in various incidents based on faulty evidence or accusations that he is an attention-seeking liar by an indifferent and complacent Ministry of Magic. This injustice later extends to other characters, who, betrayed or manipulated by someone, are disbelieved and/or punished for crimes they never committed. Harry continually finds himself confronting a legal system that seems bent on obtaining image-enhancing results rather than uncovering theinconvenient truthtruths. He will also learn that individuals who wield power and wealth are usually considered more credible than their everyday counterparts, often enabling them to influence events to their advantage. Readers can also see that merely making an accusation can often bias others into accepting it as bona fide fact, as when students almost immediately begin drawing pro and con opinions regarding Harry as the Heir of Slytherin.
The story's core plot line is also revealed here. Though Binns states the Chamber of Secrets does not exist, and that multiple headmasters spent years searching for it without finding so much as a Broom-closet of Secrets, it is evident to the reader, as well as the students, that the Chamber does exist and a monster dwells within. There could be few, if any, other possible explanations for Mrs. Norris being Petrified.